
Women get more pleasure in buying bags

Women across the world get more pleasure when buying a handbag than any other item, says a British survey.
The thrill is more than when buying shoes, jewellery or underwear. One in four women in Britain said they felt a ‘more intense sense of happiness’ having paid for a smart bag. A summer dress, a well-fitting pair of jeans, beauty products, a little black dress and chocolates also made it to the list by shopping website Saveme4later.
“Everyone knows that women love shopping but it’s interesting to see what items women get the most pleasure from buying,” spokesman Dermot Dennehy was quoted as saying by the Daily Express. However, women think over when buying a winter coat.

The top 10 of the women’s desire list:

1. Handbag
2. Shoes
3. Summer dresses
4. Concert tickets
5. Jeans
6. Jewellery
7. Little black dress
8. Chocolates
9. Underwear
10. Beauty products

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