
7 Things Women Don’t Like Being Told!

Women don’t like being told certain touchy things and more often than not, these ‘thing’ are true. However if you are to avoid unpleasantness in a relationship, all truths cannot be told. So if a man refrains from bringing up some insecurities related to girly things then a lot of problems in a relationship just disappear. You need to use words in a relationship with caution; they are like arrows, once shot they cannot be brought back.
Here are some some the truths (or half truths) that women don’t like being told.
7 Things That Women Don’t Like Being Told:
1. You have put on weight. It is one those girly things that they are so touchy about and you are characteristically tactless. She may have asked you 100 times before you answered but this my friend is not the right answer. No matter how much she provokes you, you must never utter these forbidden words. It leads to a series of reactions like, ‘I’m not attractive’, ‘you don’t love me anymore’ etc.
2. Your Mom looks better than you. Women don’t like being compared with anybody, even if it is the person closest to them, their mother. Use the same words in a relationship differently. Tell her she will resemble her mother when she grows old and she’ll still be beautiful.
3. Your Dad is too possessive about you. For girls, their father is their eternal hero. He can do no wrong, see no wrong and speak no wrong. Never try to compete with your father in law because you will loose hands down. In her eyes he is perfect and for him she is always his little girl. You’ll understand when you are the father of the bride!
4. My Mom cooks better than you. It is true in most cases but rivalry is a girly thing you must not ignite. Especially between your mother and wife/girlfriend it will wreck havoc. All of us feel that our moms are the best cooks in the world but if you are stupid enough to voice it out loud you’ll repent.
5. You can work if you want to. She will read it as if you are giving her ‘permission’ to work and that will seriously piss her off. Why? That is because she never asked for your permission. Women get very annoyed if they even imagine being bossed.
6. This dress doesn’t suit you. She will not consider it to be a fault with the dress but with herself. It maybe impossible for you to understand such female logic but for her its perfectly logical. So just avoid fights by nodding along.
7. We cannot afford a baby! Hell will break loose if you say this though she might have said it many times herself. You will be called incapable, irresponsible and various other unpleasant adjectives will be used for you.

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